​The Importance of HVAC System Maintenance

​The Importance of HVAC System Maintenance

Published by Jason Hite on Dec 05, 2014

The Importance of HVAC System Maintenance

Your home’s HVAC system is one of the most important elements to have in good working order. When the temperature drops, you need to be able to heat up your home, and when the temperature rises, you want to be able to cool is down. In order to have an efficient, reliable, and safe system, it is extremely important that you keep up with regular maintenance.

Efficient Units Save You Money

An outdated, inefficient system is going to cost you a great deal more than an energy efficient, updated one. Keep your monthly bills lower by spending a little on regular upkeep. Having a professional inspection performed annually is a great way to make sure that your unit is operating at peak efficiency.

Increase the Life of the System

Regular maintenance will easily increase the life of the HVAC system. When you make sure to perform basic upkeep, you can get more than 10 years of use out of a modern system. You will also not have to worry about expensive emergency repair issues cropping up out of nowhere.

Cleaner Indoor Air

You want to make sure that the air quality in your home is the best that it can be, and a clean system will help. The coils, ducts, and air filter should be cleaned regularly as a part of the basic maintenance. You will want to change out the air filter every 1-3 months. A filter that is clogged with dirt and dust will contribute to more than just unhealthy air. Your system will have to work twice as hard to push out the air, and this will cause it to be less efficient and less cost effective.

You never want to overlook the elements of your home’s HVAC system. Have a professional technician check it out annually, and be sure to replace the air filter every 1-3 months. With proper care, your heating and cooling system will help you stay comfortable while keeping your energy costs down.