​Simple Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

​Simple Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Published by Jason Hite on Nov 11, 2014

Simple Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Your home is your sanctuary, so you want to take care of it and keep it clean for yourself and your loved ones. You may not even realize that the air you breathe in your home can be aggravating allergies or causing other health issues. Here are some simple ways to improve indoor air quality:

Open Windows and Doors

When the temperature outside is comfortable, open up the windows for fresh air. The air inside can get stuffy after a few days of extended AC or heating use. Give the HVAC system a break by turning it off and opening doors and windows. Not only will you save on energy costs, but you’ll also enjoy fresh air circulating through the house.

Dust and Vacuum Often

Depending on where you live, you may find that dust collects on surfaces very quickly. Unfortunately, this is just a part of life, so it’s up to you to take care of the problem as best as you can. You can combat dust by using a static duster and vacuuming often. Try to wipe off surfaces daily, or at least every few days, and then run the vacuum. Sweep the kitchen floors daily, and don’t forget to wipe up hardwood floors often.

Remove Shoes upon Entering

Even though you can’t see it, carpets collect a huge amount of dust mites and dirt, and wearing shoes indoors only makes it much worse. Get in to the habit of removing shoes upon entering the home and putting on a pair of house slippers. Not only will this help to reduce dust, but it will also help to keep your carpets cleaner and free of stains from footwear.

Tune up the HVAC System

In many places, the HVAC system sees a lot of use during both the hot and cold months. To keep it running as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to do a tune up at least once a year. You can sign up for a service contract with a reputable technician, or you can do it yourself. At the very least, you want to remember to check the air filter every month, and then replace it as soon as it appears dirty. A clean air filter means cleaner air to breath inside the home.

Clean Out Clutter

If you have a room filled with clutter, like an attic or a basement, take a few hours to clean it out. Items that have been sitting for a long time will collect a lot of dust, and this will inevitably end up circulating throughout the home. Take pride in your home by getting rid of old stuff, whether that means donating it to a local thrift store or charity, holding a yard sale, or just dumping it in the trash. The less piles of clutter sitting around, the fewer places there will be for dust mites to collect.

As you can see, it doesn’t take too much work to help improve air quality in the home. Take time out to tend to these simple tasks, and you should see and feel a difference.