​Preparing Your Home for Winter

​Preparing Your Home for Winter

Published by Jason Hite on Oct 22, 2014

Preparing Your Home for Winter

With old man winter on the way, it’s time to start getting your home ready for the season. From improving the insulation to making sure your heating system is running efficiently, there are a few essentials that need to be attended to. Not only will winterizing help to keep your home warm, but it will also reduce your energy bills. Here are important steps to take when preparing your home for winter:

HVAC & Furnace Check-Up

Your HVAC system may have seen a lot of use over the summer months, so you want to take the time to do a tune-up before the cold temperatures set in. You can hire a professional to perform a check-up and make any necessary repairs to fix maintenance issues, or you can check it yourself, if you know what to look for. Having your furnace inspected can help save you money by ensuring that it runs as efficiently as possible. You will definitely want to change out the air filter before you start using your heat. This will ensure that clean air is circulating throughout the home, preventing allergies and breathing issues.

Insulate Windows and Doors

Cold air can easily sneak in through cracks in windows and doors. An easy way to combat this is by insulating the windows. Once the temperatures begin to hold steady and you’re sure that you won’t be opening up the windows for a few a months, you can purchase plastic sheets that are specifically designed for insulation. Go around windows and doors to see if you can locate spots where air blows in, and then seal those up. This is an affordable and quick fix.

Fill in Walkway and Driveway Cracks

Cracks in your walkway and driveway can become a big problem if they aren’t taken care of before inclement weather picks up. When a crack fills up with water in the winter, it will freeze and expand. This ends up making the problem worse, and you won’t be able to do a proper repair until the spring. You will want to seal up any cracks or holes so that when it snows, moisture won’t be able to seep.

Fireplace Inspection

If your home has a fireplace, you have the added responsibility of keeping up with cleaning and maintenance. Have a professional service come in to perform a proper cleaning. An inspection may reveal any damage or cracks inside the flue, which need to be repaired right away. A damaged or dirty chimney is both a safety and health hazard, so it definitely shouldn’t be ignored.

Plumbing and Pipes

Every winter, people find themselves with burst and frozen pipes in their home. This is a major inconvenience, but fortunately, there are some things that can be done to prevent it. Have exposed pipes insulated. Drain hoses that are situated outside, then cover up the faucets and consider shutting off the supply of water to them.

Getting ready for the cold weather can seem like a lot of work, but it is best to take preventative measures before the snow and ice. Set aside a few hours to follow these simple steps, and your home should be in good shape throughout the winter season.