
​Keep Your Pets, Ditch the Allergies

Published by Jason Hite on Sep 27, 2014

Keep Your Pets, Ditch the Allergies

Pets can bring a lot of joy and happiness to our lives, but unfortunately, they can also bring a lot of allergens. For those who suffer from allergies, or have family members who do, it can be tough to deal with having a dog or cat in the home. Not only does pet hair pose a problem, but cats and dogs also shed something called dander. Dander is essentially microscopic flakes of skin, which our furry friends shed naturally. It can cause big problems for those who suffer from allergies. Rather than giving up your animals, here are some tips for how you can keep your pets, and ditch the allergies.

Consider Keeping Pets Outdoors

This is definitely not an option for everyone, but some pet owners may be okay with keeping their cats or dogs outdoors for much of the day. Some cats may even prefer to be left outside most of the time, only coming in to eat or sleep. If you have a fenced in yard, you can allow your dog to enjoy time outdoors during the day when the weather is nice. If someone in the home is really struggling with allergies or breathing issues, this may be the best way to keep everyone happy and healthy. Just make sure that it’s a good arrangement for your animal, as well.

Clean Thoroughly and Frequently

For those who own cats or dogs, you know that pet hairs can be found in even the most remote corners of the home, no matter how much you vacuum. In order to reduce the amount that will be blowing and drifting around the house, you will want to do a thorough cleaning at least a few times each month. Take the pets out of the home, whether that means having someone get them out to a park, or simply putting them out in the yard, so that you can vacuum, sweep, and dust everywhere. Use a lint roller on upholstered furniture, and change and wash all linens. It can be a tough task to keep up with the pet hair and dander, but dedicate a few hours to cleaning each week.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Your home’s HVAC system has an air filter that you need to change out often. When you have cats or dogs in the house, it is especially important that you check the air filter frequently and change it out when needed. The air filter catches the airborne dirt, dust mites, and allergens inside of the home. Consider having your ducts professionally cleaned out every few years. It may be worth doing it annually if any household members suffer from asthma or other breathing problems.

Visit the Doctor

Doctors who specialize in caring for patients suffering from allergies may be able to provide a prescription medication and treatment plan. The last thing that you want to do is give up your pet, so make sure to visit the doctor and see what relief they can offer. There are many prescriptions and over the counter medications available today for allergies. This, combined with proper cleaning and care in the home, should help to relieve those allergy issues related to pets.