​Consider These Houseplants for Cleaner Indoor Air

​Consider These Houseplants for Cleaner Indoor Air

Published by Jason Hite on Nov 21, 2014

Consider These Houseplants for Cleaner Indoor Air

You don’t have to have a green thumb to keep houseplants. Most simply need to be watered and have the proper amount of exposure to sunlight in order to thrive. They also offer an affordable and attractive way to keep air fresher. Consider these houseplants for cleaner indoor air in your home:

Spider Plant

The spider plant is attractive, resilient, and safe to have in homes with pets. It benefits the air quality by filtering out formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. These toxins are often found in many common cleaning products.

Peace Lilies

The peace lily is a beautiful flowering plant that also doubles as an excellent air filter. Not only will it look great, but it will also act as a purifier, removing acetone and VOC benzene. Acetone is found in many cleaning products and electronics, and VOC Benzene is found in furniture polishes and various paints. Be careful if you own pets, because this plant is poisonous to them.

Snake Plant

A snake plant is well suited to steamy bathroom spaces, because the humidity and low light levels helps it to thrive. It is excellent for removing formaldehyde, which is found in many common household products.

English Ivy

Although it is very unpleasant to think about, particles from fecal matter do become airborne when the toilet is flushed. An English ivy plant will help to combat those nasty particles, as well as to battle formaldehyde found in the home.


Aloe Vera is a great plant for helping with skin conditions, such as sunburn, but you probably didn’t know that it’s good for filtering air, as well. It will remove formaldehyde, one of the most common toxins in household air.

Lady Palm

The attractive lady palm offers a tropical sort of look, and is ideal for filtering out ammonia from the air. Ammonia is found in all kinds of household cleaning products.

Even if you don’t have a lot of room for houseplants, just adding one or two to your living area can make a difference. They offer an affordable and attractive way to help combat common toxins found in most homes.