​6 Steps to a Green Home

​6 Steps to a Green Home

Published by Jason Hite on Dec 08, 2014

6 Steps to a Green Home

Having a green home is much easier than you may think. Simple changes can go a long way to make your living space healthier and more comfortable. By going green, you can also save money and help the environment. Here are 6 steps to a green home:

Plumbing Check

A dry home is a healthier home, so take the time to check over your plumbing for any leaks. This means inspecting outdoor hoses, as well as pipes and faucets inside of the home. If you have a basement, take a look for any areas where moisture may be creeping in and causing mold to develop. Repair leaky pipes and faucets, and be sure to keep the basement dry and free of mold.

HVAC Inspection

Your HVAC system is one of the biggest energy hogs in the home, so it makes sense to ensure that it is running optimally at all times. If you have a system that is older, have it checked out to make sure that it is as energy efficient as possible. If it isn’t, you may want to consider replacing it.

Conserve Water

Along with checking your plumbing for leaks, you can also conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the water while you brush your teeth, and running your dishwasher at full capacity. Little tweaks to your behavior can go a long way to saving you money and helping you go green.

Conserve Energy

Conserving energy is great for your monthly bill, as well for the environment. When you leave a room, turn off lights and fans. Make it a habit to unplug appliances that aren’t in use. Over time, the savings will really add up.

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Take a look at any bottle of cleaning solution for household use, and you may be shocked by the amount of chemicals that it contains. You can make a simple, effective cleaner for all kinds of surfaces using just vinegar, water, and baking soda. Give it a try, and ditch those harsh chemicals.

Reduce Clutter

Clutter creates more places for dust to collect. Reduce the clutter in your home by throwing away useless items, straightening up regularly, and cleaning out closets, shelves, and drawers often. Spending a few hours each season to deep clean your home will keep it fresher and more comfortable.